Voices Magazine

15 August 2018 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica Mr Dante Negro, Director of International Law at the Organization of American States (OAS) delivering a lecture on the topic, “Current Legal Developments at the OAS,” hosted by the Faculty of Law, University of Technology, Jamaica on June 29, 2018. OAS Director Urges Greater Collaboration With Jamaica In conversation (L-R), Professor Stephen Vasciannie, Professor Colin Gyles, Deputy President, Mrs. Jeanelle van GlaanenWeygel, Resident Representative, OAS, Mr. Dante Negro and Ms Magaly McLean, Senior Legal Officer of International Law, OAS. Mrs Marcia Robinson, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Law delivered the Vote of Thanks and presented Mr Negro with a gift following his presentation. The forum was chaired by Mrs. Alicia Dixon-Stone, lecturer, Faculty of Law. D ante Negro, Director of International Law at the Organization of American States (OAS) has urged Jamaicans to become more actively involved in matters concerning the OAS. Speaking at a Forum organized by the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology, Jamaica on Friday, June 29, 2018, Mr Negro noted that Jamaican participation in the work of the OAS did not need to be confined to treaty cooperation. Rather, he suggested, Jamaican entities could also work with his organization through implementation of model laws, sharing of best practices, workshops and forums. Mr Negro gave examples of recent work of the OAS that could provide guidelines for Jamaica. The examples included work on arbitration matters, cooperation on secured transactions, and discussions on the concept of electronic warehousing. He said that while many persons associate the OAS with political questions, the Organization is also active in private and commercial law issues as a means of promoting economic development.