Voices Magazine

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | August 2018 14 T he University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) has granted accreditation to the Bachelor of Science in Science and Education (BSSE) offered by the University of Technology, Jamaica. The Council’s accreditation of the programme is for a period of four years, beginning April 1, 2018 and expiring on March 31, 2022. University President, Professor Stephen Vasciannie in welcoming the achievement noted that “this is very good news for the University, and in particular, for the Faculty of Science and Sport, which has worked assiduously to achieve programme accreditation. I wish to congratulate Dean Hylton and her team in the Faculty for all their efforts in this regard. I also thank Dr Russell and her team in Quality Assurance for helping to steer us into home port. Congratulations to all who played a role in this success.” T he Joan Duncan School of Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Leadership (JDSEEL), College of Business and Management, through its Head of School, Mr Michael Steele has been granted the special honour of aiding the Chinese Embassy in Jamaica to select persons to attend seminars under the auspices of the People’s Republic of China. The official seminars/technical training courses for developing countries are actively promoted through government to government relations between Jamaica and China. The programmes have received much recognition and great support from countries all over the world and have made bridges of friendship and cooperation between China and other developing countries. UTech, Jamaica has benefitted from the coordinating efforts of Mr Michael Steele, Head of School, for the past three years. Ten members of faculty have participated in the training programme for 2018. UCJ Grants Programme Accreditation for Bachelor of Science in Science and Education UTech, Jamaica Benefits from China’s Foreign Aid Programme President, Professor Stephen Vasciannie (left) presents UCJ Accreditation certificate to Dr. Kamilah Hylton, Dean, Faculty of Science and Sport at a presentation ceremony on September 26, 2018, Papine Campus. Mr Michael Steele, (2nd left) Head, JDSEEL at the 2018 Seminar on Agricultural Technology & Management for countries under the Belt and Road initiative held July 1-21 in China. Dr. Adella Campbell (left) , Head, Caribbean School of Nursing, College of Health Sciences, UTech, Jamaica moderated a Panel Discussion on education supervision and quality improvement during her visit to China, June 8 – 28, 2018. Pictured are participants from Myanmar and South Africa.