Voices Magazine Vol2 Issue 2

9 June 2018 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica R eliability, dependability and commitment are hallmarks of, Mrs. Enid Dennis- Barnett who started her employment at the College of Arts, Science and Technology in September 1, 1982 as a lecturer in the Science Department. Despite her 35 years of devoted service, her enthusiasm has remained undiminished and although retired in 2011, she has continued to demonstrate her commitment to serving her students, and the University. Blessed with administrative and leadership skills, including the ability to motivate and mentor both staff and students, she has provided exceptional and highly effective service in a number of roles within the Faculty. In her capacity as Senior Lecturer, Mrs. Barnett held many positions including Head of the Chemistry Section, Coordinator of the Chemical Technology programme, Examination Coordinator of the Science Department, Chairperson of the Library Committee for Science, Work Study Coordinator in the Science Department and Teaching Supervisor. In carrying out her latest assignments as Programme Director in the Applied Science Department and Programme Leader in Health Service Management, she has continued to contribute significantly to the development and improvement of the programme offerings of the College of Health Science and in making the education of her students more meaningful and productive. Her willingness to travel to and assist in the expansion of the University into Western Jamaica and to assist in the quality assurance of the programmes there did not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Quiet and unassuming by nature, Mrs. Barnett has nevertheless impacted the university community beyond the College and in several positive ways. The wider University has benefitted from her insight and quiet wisdom offered unobtrusively and professionally. These have been evident in her roles as representative on various Faculty Boards, University Boards and as Secretary of the Academic Staff Union. Mrs. Barnett, your high level of collegiality, willingness to help and your commitment to UTech have brought us closer to the realization of our vision as a world class university. We truly appreciate your contribution and congratulate you on achieving this 35th anniversary with us. Together we say thank you and best wishes for a long and happy future. LONG SERVICE AWARDS 35 YEARS Chancellor, the Most Honourable Edward Seaga, ON, PC presents the citation for 35 years of long and devoted service to Mrs. Enid Dennis-Barnett, Lecturer, College of Health Sciences. CITATION