Voices Magazine Vol2 Issue 2

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | June 2018 8 Mr. Richard Powell, Pro-Chancellor, presents Dr. Winsome Christie, Pharmacist, with the Distinguished Past Student Award. Dr. Christie who has been chair of the UTech Jamaica Pharmacy Alumni Association (2009 -2017) was honoured for her contribution to the development of the university through her leadership in several initiatives including the raising of $5M by the Alumni Association to refurbish a classroom to a lecture theatre and the establishment of an endowment fund on behalf of the College of Health Sciences. Pro-Chancellor, Mr. Richard Powell presents the 2018 Vin Spencer Award, awarded to the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) for the Bank’s contribution to the development of the University and to student life. Mrs. Genefa Hibbert, Chief Operations and Projects Officer (Acting), University of Technology, Jamaica collects the award on behalf of the CDB. The Vin Spencer Award is presented to “a person or organization for outstanding contribution to student life on campus to include finance and academic facility so as to enhance the University’s image and delivery of service. Such contribution should have been made continuously for a minimum period of five (5) years.” Distinguished Past Student Award Vin Spencer Award Pro-Chancellor, Mr. Richard Powell, (left) presents a beaming Mr Fernandez Anderson, Lecturer, Faculty of The Built Environment with the Special Recognition Award. Mr. Fernandez was recognised for his contribution in assisting the Faculty and the University on the use of technology to assist in the delivery of modules online and offline. Special Recognition Award SPECIAL AWARDS