Voices Magazine Vol2 Issue 2

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | June 2018 10 P assionate educator and strong advocate of excellence, Mrs. Easy has made a remarkable impact on the cultural ethos of the College of Business and Management to which she has been attached for most of her 35 years at the University of Technology, Jamaica. Given her boundless energy, leadership skills and ability to motivate, it was natural that she would go on to hold positions of Acting Head of School, and Programme Director for the Management and Human Resource Management Divisions. Having created the first Human Resource Management Department in the Faculty, she later successfully developed BBA degrees in Human Resource Management and Principles of Management in preparation for the transition from CAST to UTech, Jamaica. Over the years, she has spearheaded many other initiatives in the Faculty and School including the staging of the International Conference in Business Management which became a symbol of excellence. Mrs. Easy since her retirement has continued to serve the College as Team Leader for the Strategic Planning Committee, a member of the Consultancy Team and lecturer. Mrs. Easy has produced numerous manuals, handbooks and workbooks covering a wide range of topics for staff and students. These have contributed significantly to the improvement in teaching, research and service throughout the University. She has provided the University with wise counsel through service on various Committees and College Boards as well as in the Human Resource Management Division where she was integral to the development of the proposal document which led to our transition from College to University .Her superior negotiating skills were also evidenced as she represented the Academic Staff Union in several Collective Bargaining Agreements. Mrs. Easy’s extensive involvement in UTech Jamaica’s life story is impossible to chronicle here, and having excelled in service, teaching and research, it was no surprise that in 2007 she was awarded the University’s most prestigious Distinguished Service Award. Mrs. Easy, much of what the College of Business and Management and indeed the University has achieved over the past 35 years has been the outcome of your foresight, dedication, and passion for excellence. LONG SERVICE AWARDS 35 YEARS CITATION Chancellor, the Most Honourable Edward Seaga, ON, PC presents the citation for 35 years of long and devoted service to Mrs. Theresa Easy, Lecturer, College of Business and Management.