Voices Magazine-Vol2-Issue-1-WEB

15 April 2018 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica Participating in the cutting of the ribbon marking the launch of School of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SHTM) Day 2018 (from left) are Dr. Gaunette Sinclair Maragh, Mrs. Camille Needham, Executive Director, Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association (JHTA) and Professor Colin Gyles, Deputy President UTech, Jamaica. SHTM Day was held on March 22, 2018 at the Alfred Sangster Auditorium The annual SHTM Day provides final year SHTM students with a platform to showcase their final research and innovation projects related to the tourism and hospitality industry. SHTM DAY SHTM student, Fiona Weir explains her final year research project on “Revisiting the National Standards governing the licensing and regulations of small hotels in Jamaica” to Mr. Ivor Bennett, Director of Marketing, UTech, Jamaica. Discussing Honour: College of Business and Management (COBAM) Honour Student, Mr. Christopher Wright (right) who is the President of the COBAM student-based Honour Society has the ear of Dr. Damian Graham (3rd left), General Manager, Urban Development Corporation (UDC) at the 2018 COBAM Honour Society Induction Ceremony held March 20, 2018 at the Shared Facilities Building, Papine Campus. Sharing in the discussion is Mr. Frederick Mills, Lecturer, Joan Duncan School of Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Leadership and Dr. Gaunette Sinclair- Maragh, Head, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Dr. Graham was guest speaker at the induction ceremony. Honour Society