Voices Magazine-Issue

VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | February 2018 8 S tudents and alumni of UTech, Jamaica wereamongthe72youngpersonswho were awarded the Prime Minister’s Youth Award for Excellence 2017 presented during a ceremony held on December 6, 2017 on the Lawns of King House. Prime Minister, The Most Honourable Andrew Holness, ON,MP presented the awards for outstanding contribution in various areas including Academics, Agriculture, Arts and Culture, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Protection, Innovation in Science and Technology, International Achievement, Journalism, Leadership, Sports and Youth Development and a special Jamaica 55 award. Prime Minister’s Special Youth Jamaica 55 Awards for Service • Paul Harris, student, School of Business Administration, COBAM • Orville Levy, student, School of Engineering, FENC • Germaine Barrett, graduate, School of Natural and Applied Sciences, FOSS • Ava Gail Lindsay, graduate, Caribbean School of Nursing, COHS Prime Minister’s Youth Award for Excellence • For Leadership – Santana Morris, MBA, COBAM student, Western Campus • For Sports – Olympian O’Dayne Richards – graduate, School of Computing and Information Technology, FENC Students and Alumni Win Prime Minister’s Youth Awards Prime Minister the Most Honourable Andrew Holness presents the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Leadership to Santana Morris, MBA student, UTech, Ja. Western Campus. Minister of Education, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, CD, JP Presents the Special Youth Jamaica 55 Awards for Service to (from left), Paul Harris, Orville Levy, Germaine Barrett and Ava Gail Lindsay.