Voices Magazine-Issue

7 February 2018 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica T he University of Technology, Jamaica (UTech, Jamaica) on Friday, February 9, 2018 hosted Judge of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), His Excellency Patrick Robinson, OJ who delivered a Distinguished Lecture under the title “Qualification of the Rule Against Double Jeopardy.” Judge Robinson’s lecture was primarily about criminal law matters related to the rule against double jeopardy which indicates that no person should be tried more than once for the same offense. In Jamaica, the right of an accused person not to be tried twice is entrenched in Section 16 (9) of Jamaica’s Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. To do so would violate the Principle of Double Jeopardy. Judge Robinson accepted that this is an important rule in most systems of law, and that it has constitutional law protection in Jamaica. He argued however, that in some circumstances the rigorous application of this rule could lead to inaccurate decisions and therefore to injustice to victims of crime. In a spirited Question and Answer session following the main presentation, Judge Robinson reiterated that it was not likely that many cases would be subject to retrial, and that the reform, if implemented, would not necessarily limit the unlawful activities of “shottas” in society. It would, however, promote the interests of victims and the wider community in having justice delivered. His Excellency the Honourable Patrick Robinson, OJ (centre), Judge of the International Court of Justice makes a point during his UTech, Jamaica Distinguished Lecture held on Friday, February 9, 2018 at the Shared Facilities Building University’s Papine Campus. Seated (left) is Mrs Marcia Robinson, Acting Dean, Faculty of Law and Professor Stephen Vasciannie, CD, President, UTech, Jamaica. ICJ Judge Patrick Robinson Delivers Distinguished Lecture A large audience comprising members of the legal fraternity, educators, students and members of the public was present to receive Judge Robinson’s Distinguished Lecture Mrs Marcia Robinson, Acting Dean, Faculty of Law, presents a gift to HE Judge Patrick Robinson, OJ in appreciation of his lecture.