9 October - November 2017 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica T he College of Health Sciences formally recognized students for outstanding performance in the Academic years 2013/14 and 2014/15, during the College’s Students’ Awards Ceremony held on Thursday, September 28, 2017, at the Christian Life Fellowship Auditorium. Academic achievement awards were presented to students pursuing courses of study in the majors: Child and Adolescent Development, Dietetics and Nutrition, Medical Technology, Nursing, Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology and the Doctor of Pharmacy. Students making the Dean’s List were also awarded, along with other special acknowledgments. In her message to the awardees, Dean, Dr. Janet Campbell-Shelly said that “our awardees have consistently exemplified hard work, dedication, commitment and fortitude in their various disciplines, some amidst very difficult circumstances.”The Dean specially applauded Dean’s List Awardees who have satisfied the criteria of mastery in all modules and a GPA of 3.45 and above. Dr. Campbell-Shelly also congratulated lecturers, tutors and preceptors and specially thanked the various sponsors of scholarships, donations and other forms of support and partnership with the College. Dr.Maureen Irons-Morgan, Director of Mental Health Services and Substance Abuse in the Ministry of Health was guest speaker. In congratulating the students, she reminded the awardees to continue to make excellence a habit, emphasizing that great people are those who do ordinary things, not some times, but all the time. College of Health Sciences Awards Student Excellence DEAN’S LIST: Dr. Janet Campbell-Shelly (right), Dean, College of Health Sciences presents Dean’s List Awards to BSc in Nursing Student, RegJene Dawkins and Bachelor of Pharmacy student, Sherika Gibson for their performance in the Academic Year 2015-16. Awards Presentations - Highlights Medical Technology Cont’d on page 10 Dr. Maureen Irons-Morgan, guest speaker. Ms. Nordene Stephenson (right), Managing Director Data Medical Supplies Ltd., presents the Data Medical Supplies Ltd. Award for Most Outstanding 1st Year Medical Technology Student to Shanice Jones for her performance in the academic year 2014/15 and to Nevin Baker, recipient of the Most Outstanding 1st Year Medical Technology Student, academic year 2013/14.