VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | October - November 2017 26 T he Career and Placement Unit hosted the annual Mentorship Reception on Thursday, October 12, 2017 at the SHTM Hotel, Papine Campus. The programme facilitated the introduction and acknowledgement of the new mentees and mentors. Mr Maurice Colquhoun, Career and Placement Officer reported that the Mentorship Programme currently has 146 mentors from within and outside of the University. The programme is designed to assist third and final year students with skills needed for their integration into the professional world of work. The programme places emphasis on the development of the students’ life skills outside of the classroom through one-on-one interactions with specially selected professionals who are staff and alumni of the University as well as individuals from corporate Jamaica who serve as mentors to our students. Mentors assist in motivating our students to become well-rounded individuals, and to form linkages in the professional community. Student Mentorship Grows at UTech, Jamaica Mrs. Dorrset Gabbidon-Pottinger, Assistant Registrar, Student Services addressing mentors and mentees at the Opening Reception of the University of Technology, Jamaica Mentorship Programme 2017 held on Thursday, October 12, 2017 at the Papine campus. Mr Anthony Hart, business man “gets down to business” with student mentees. Miss Sophia McIntosh (4th left), Western Campus Coordinator is flanked by mentors and student. From left are mentors, Miss Nina Peters, JN Bank, Mr. Gavin Bennett, Corporate U, Ms. Tracey-Ann Myrie, JMMB Investment, Rev. Courtney Walters, Asst. Chaplain, Jamaica Constabulary Force, Western Campus Administrator, Miss Antoinette Smith, mentor, Ms. Claire Palmer, Sagicor Bank, student Miss Sakina Brown and mentor Ms. Julia Gordon, JPS. T he UTech, Jamaica Western campus launched its Student Mentorship Programme on November 7, 2017 with great success. Western Campus Coordinator, Ms. Sophia McIntosh notes that “The mentors were very pleased with the high level of professionalism displayed by staff members leading up to the event and on the day. They are very excited to be mentors for our students and have indicated a genuine commitment to the programme.” Western Campus Launches Student Mentoring Programme