VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | October - November 2017 22 UTech, Jamaica said farewell to the following members of senior staff who have recently moved on to retirement. Pro-Chancellor, Mr Richard Powell shared warm memories of the time he has had interacting with outgoing University Registrar, Dr. Elaine Wallace (pictured 2nd left), much to the delight of Prof. Stephen Vasciannie, CD (left) President, Prof. Colin Gyles, Deputy President and other members of senior management, faculty and staff who were present at the special farewell ceremony hosted in honour of Dr. Wallace on Friday, October 13, 2017, SHTM Hotel. Mr Powell specially thanked Dr. Wallace for leading with his smooth on boarding into the University Community in his new role as Pro- Chancellor since October 2016. Both President and Deputy President also delivered words of gratitude to Dr. Wallace for her years of service to the University. Thanks and well wishes were also said by incoming University Registrar, Mrs. Mercedes Deane, Students’ Union Representative, Miss Simone Roper and Assistant Registrar, Student Services, Mrs Dorrset Gabbidon-Pottinger who read a citation on Dr. Wallace. Dr. Wallace has served the University for almost 30 years in different capacities in academia and administration. In her response she thanked everyone for the “expressions of love and confidence.” Dr Wallace receives a hug and gift from student Simone Roper who brought greetings on behalf of Students’ Union President, Granville Knight. “I’ve definitely seen the positive impact that she has made to the institution,” she said. Below, Mrs Charmagne Mortley, Assistant Registrar, University Secretariat, presents Dr Wallace with a painting in her likeness and President Vasciannie presents her with a plaque which read, “in recognition of your dedication and commitment to the Division of Student Services & Registry, March 2009 – September 2017.” Farewell on Retirement • Dr Elaine Wallace - University Registrar • Prof. Kent Pantry – Legal Counsel and former Dean of the Faculty of Law • Major Patrick Cameron – Chief Operations and Projects Officer • Mrs Carmen Facey – Senior Director, Business and Asset Administration • Mr Lorence Brown - Chief Business and Finance Officer • Mrs Jennifer Ellis – Senior Director, HR Cont’d on page 23 Bon Voyage Dr. Wallace