21 October - November 2017 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica T he University led by the Student Recruitment Unit, Division of Student Services and Registry, hosted the annual Open House on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 at the Papine Campus and on Thursday, September 28, 2017 at the Montego Bay Cultural Centre. Hundreds of prospective students who visited both venues were provided with information on the University’s courses of study and programme offerings. Prospective students and visitors also had the opportunity to engage with College/Faculty exhibitions, presentations, tours and career counselling. UTech, Jamaica Opens its Doors to Prospective Students at Annual Open House Miss Kerryann Henclewood, Administrative Support, Caribbean School of Architecture, provides high school students with information. Curious students from Mount Alvernia High School, Montego Bay, St. James interact with a model of the male pelvis sagittal section at the UTech, Jamaica Open House held on Thursday, September 28 at the Montego Bay Cultural Centre. Assisting the students is Jody-Ann Forbes (right) Administrative Support, College of Health Sciences. T he UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre at the University of Technology, Jamaica partnered with two centres in Canada and three in the rest of the Caribbean to host the first of two three-day TVET capacity building workshops. The partners are Bow Valley College, a UNEVOC Centre in Alberta, Canada; the HEART Trust NTA, UNEVOC Cluster Coordinator in Jamaica; the TVET Council of Barbados; Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles, Quebec, Canada; and T.A. Marryshow Community College in Grenada. The workshops were held October 9 - 11, 2017 at the Technology Innovation Centre, Papine campus. Approximately thirty participants from the six centres as well as from Jamaican tertiary institutions and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information attended the workshop. Led by Bow Valley College, the partners are undertaking to exchange good practice on various aspects of TVET in the international context, as well as to strengthen their partnership on projects in TVET. In keeping with the theme of “Moving to Action through Collaborative Capacity Development,” presentation topics have focused on knowledge transfer in areas such as the development and design of TVET curricula, greening TVET, competency-based teaching and assessment, the economics of TVET, among others. UTech Ja. Hosts UNEVOC Workshop on Capacity Building in TVET Participants in the three-day UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET capacity building workshops from Canada and the rest of the Caribbean hosted by UTech, Ja.