VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | October - November 2017 20 Ms. Erica Wynter, JDSEEL Lecturer making her presentation at a Business Pitch Workshop in November 2017. M s. EricaWynter, Lecturer, in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Joan Duncan School of Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Leadership (JDSEEL), College of Business and Management, was invited to Montserrat by the Youth Task Force. The Youth Task Force established under the Ministry of Youth and Education in Montserrat is spearheading a number of initiatives targeting youth development. The initiatives are aimed at rebuilding the island which has been devastated by volcano in previous years. Ms. Wynter who is also the CEO of C&E Innovational Services Ltd., a company offering business support to aspiring and existing entrepreneurs, conducted a business pitch workshop over four days . Participants were trained on the techniques of successfully pitching their ideas or businesses to potential investors for funding. They were later challenged to draft their business model canvas and pitch their presentations for judging by a panel comprising Montserratian business owners. She was instrumental in the launch of the project in December 2016 and was invited again to assist with its completion. While in Monsterrat Ms Wynter also assisted with the setting up of an interactive database and web management system that organises data related to youths living in Montserrart and the diaspora. The JDSEEL Lecturer also supported the establishment of the Montserrart Young Entrepreneurs Association. Erica Wynter Shares Entrepreneurial Expertise in Montserrat Workshop Inaugural Professorial Lecture Examines ICT for National Development P rofessor Paul Golding, Dean, College of Business and Management newly appointed Professor of Management and Information Systems, University of Technology, Jamaica on Thursday, August 24, 2017 delivered his inaugural Professorial Lecture titled, “The Role of ICT on Jamaica’s Economic Growth Strategy,” at the Papine campus. He examined the transformative nature of digital technology within the context of Jamaica’s social and economic development and provided some recommendations on how to capitalize on opportunities presented by ICT to achieve economic growth. Among his recommendations were for the redesign of the school curriculum for improvements in formal education outputs. He argued that improvements should include a programme in entrepreneurship at the pre- school to the tertiary level to encourage creativity and inculcate a spirit of entrepreneurship. Prof. Golding also called for increasing ICT access to the Deaf Community and other vulnerable groups within the society so that they too can contribute to economic growth and development. He also urged Government agencies, the private sector, non-government organizations and academia to form strong partnerships to provide favourable framework conditions geared towards Jamaica’s growth agenda. Professor Stephen Vasciannie, CD, President, UTech, Jamaica congratulated Prof. Golding on his “well-deserved elevation to the level of Professor at the University.” Professor Vasciannie said that the inaugural lecture not only symbolizes the importance attached to research and development at the University, but it also comes at a critical time in in our national quest to achieve the goals of our Vision 2030 Development Plan. Professor Paul Golding, Dean, College of Business and Management and newly appointed Professor of Management and Information Systems delivering his inaugural lecture on “The Role of ICT in Jamaica’s Growth Strategy” to a capacity audience on Thursday, August 24, 2017 at the Shared Facilities Building, Papine campus.