VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica | October - November 2017 16 “Moving on from here, I am thinking about completing a Master’s degree or joining the Army as an officer. At the end of the day we have a degree so we have to make use of it. I am currently working at the JDF Credit Union as a Loans Officer.” Name: Rogerine Gibson Course of study: B.Ed. in Business and Computer Studies (Major in Computing, Minor in Business) College/Faculty: Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies On their graduation day at the ceremony held on Saturday, November 4 at the National Arena, new graduates of the Class of 2017 were asked “Now that you have graduated from the University of Technology, Jamaica, what’s next for you? Read on to find out what Jamaica’s future leaders have in store. “I have applied to do my Master’s degree. I am also hoping to get a scholarship for that as well. I applied to the University of London, South Wales University and Carrington University. I am also going to apply to CMI to do Logistics. I am currently employed at Digicel, Jamaica as Customer Care Representative.” Name: Akeelim Hamilton Course of Study: Bachelor of Laws College/Faculty: Faculty of Law “I am not employed but in the meantime I am working on something until I get a full time job. I am learning computer programming. I am trying to build an App – something like UBER…I am trying to build my version of UBER. I have already built two and I am working on the server now. Hopefully by the end of November I will have the first prototype. I am learning everything on my own. I have spoken to SCIT but until I have the prototype out they will decide whether or not to join with me.” Name: Shayn Hacker Course of study: Bachelor in Business Administration College/Faculty: College of Business and Management GRADUATE VOICES “We had our regional examinations in October so when our results get out it is work after that. I would definitely like to go to Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) at the moment but the applications will go everywhere. At KPH I have done most of my work experience over the years and it is a good learning environment. That is where every case in the Caribbean and the country comes if it cannot be dealt with at a specific hospital. So that is where I can grow and learn more each and every day.” Name: Candice Anderson Course of study: Bachelor of Science in Nursing College/Faculty: College of Health Sciences “I am pursuing my Master’s degree at UTech. Right now the Trinidad economy is a bit down so I decided to come back to school and complete my Master’s programme in Jamaica, because I need that in order to register as an Architect in Trinidad or Jamaica, actually in any Commonwealth nation. I hope to start changing the face of architecture not only in Trinidad but in the Caribbean. ” Name: Kenneth Dash Course of study: Bachelor of Architectural Studies College/Faculty: Faculty of The Built Environment