UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

N.B. Students will default to the Standard 55% Part-Payment Plan; if they do not pay 100% of their fees by September 13, 2019; unless other- wise approved by the Department of Student Financing for a Special Payment Plan. In exceptional circumstances, students whose cases are referred in writing to the Department. of Student Financing may be considered for a special payment plan; with adifferent set of crit- eria from the standard plan. Late Payment with Penalty – Post Census Date 1. After the Census Date, enrolled students will still have an opportunity to become registered up to Tuesday October 29, 2019; but all such students will be charged a Late Registration Fee of J$10,000.00/US$100.00. 2. Students are required to pay the minimum 55% of tuition and miscellaneous ; in keeping with the Standard Part-Payment Plan ; in order to receive financial clearance 3. After the Census Date, enrolled students are fully liable for the modules selected; whether or not they become registered or attend classes. This Late Registration Fee becomes applicable as at September 14, 2019. Final Payment Requirement for all Students on Part-payment Plan 1. Students on a part-payment plan are required to settle all outstanding balances by Tuesday October 29, 2019; in order to avoid the Facility Fee of J$8,000/US$80. 2. A Facility Fee of J$8,000/US$80 will be applied to all accounts where students do NOT settle outstanding balances by Tues- day October 29, 2019; irrespective of whether the payment plan was approved in the Early or Late Registration period. 3. This Facility Fee of J$8,000/US$80 will NOT be applied to accounts with an approved SLB Loans (status D or E). 4. This Facility Fee of J$8,000/US$80 will NOT be applied to accounts with an approved Scholarship or Sponsorship which covers 100% of tuition. 5. Students who fail to settle outstanding bal- ances (including facility fee) by the stipu- lated dates, will be blocked from viewing grades and enrolling in subsequent semesters. F E E P AY M E N T R E Q U I R E M E N T S F O R B O A R D I N G 1. Resident students will be allowed to reg- ister for boarding by paying a minimum of 55% of the total boarding cost for Semester one by Friday September 13, 2019. 2. The 55% payment requirement for board- ing is separate and apart from the 55% payment requirement for tuition. 3. Boarding students will only be able to “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” S T U D E N T F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S 87