UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

11. Students referred to, in items 9 &10 (above) should visit the Financial Aid Office, to be assessed to determine if they meet the ECF requirement. 12. Students with sponsor/donor credit bal- ance from prior years are not required to pay the ECF; if the credit is equal or more than J$28,000/US$225.00. These students should visit the Student Financial Services Unit, to request the Transfer of Sponsor Credit from a previous academic year. 13. Enrolled students have the opportunity to avoid the 50% Incomplete Registration Fee; which would only be applied to the account of students for whom the Univer- sity provided services for approx. three months, but who failed to complete their registration. This fee can be avoided by: • Accepting the University Standard Payment Plan (100% or minimum 55%) • Arranging a SLB / DMD payment plan if applicable • Arranging a personalized payment plan with the DSF (extenuating cir- cumstances only) • Ensuring that they are financially cleared by Tuesday October 29, 2019, using one of the payment plan options offered. F E E P AY M E N T O P T I O N S F O R F I N A N C I A L C L E A R A N C E & R E G I S T R AT I O N 2 0 1 9 / 2 0 2 0 Early Payment with No Penalties – Pre Census Date 1. The Census Date for Semester 1, 2019/20 A/Y is Friday September 13, 2019. This is the final date for students to achieve finan- cial clearance, without being charged a fee penalty. 2. For the 2019/20 A/Y, students have two payment options within the Early Registra- tion period: Option 1 – Pay in full (100% of tuition and miscellaneous ) using the Full Payment Plan by Census Date. Students using the full-payment plan will: • receive a rebate of 2% on tuition only ; • be eligible for one of 10 Early Bird prizes worth J$25,000.00 each ; • have no Late Registration Fee • have no Facility Fee • receive automatic clearance for final exams Option 2 – Pay in Part (55%minimum of tuition and miscellaneous) using the Standard Part-Payment Plan by the Census Date. Students using the 55% payment plan will: • Have no Late Registration Fee • Have no Facility Fee, if the 45% balance is settled by October 29, 2019. • Receive automatic clearance for final exams “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” S T U D E N T F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S 85