UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

B E N E F I T S O F T H E F E E P AY M E N T P L A N F O R S E M E S T E R O N E , 2 0 1 9 / 2 0 2 0 1. Students can avoid all facility charges & penalties by achieving financial clearance before the Census Date of Friday September 13, 2019. 2. Financial clearance to complete registra- tion can be achieved up to October 29, 2019 using the following methods: • Standard Payment Plans – 100% or 55% of tuition ( processed on-line automatically) • Special Payment Plans – SLB, DMD or Personalized (based on a referral system and subject to assessment & approval) 3. Students who opt to Pay in Full (100% of fees) by Friday September 13, 2019, will receive a 2% Rebate; and have an opportu- nity to win one of 10 prizes of $25,000 each. No Late /facility Fee applicable. 4. Students who opt to pay using the S tan- dard Part Payment Plan (55% of fees) by Friday September 13, 2019, will incur No Late charges ; and can avoid the Facility Fee of J$8,000 / US$80, by settling the 45% balance on time, by Tuesday October 29, 2019. 5. Students referred to the Dept. of Student Financing with extenuating circum- stances may be given due consideration for one for the following Special Payment Plans with conditionalities: • SLB Payment Plan – for students with conditional loan approval (status A-C) from the SLB • DMD Payment Plan – for students pursuing the DMD Programme • Personalized Payment Plan –for self- financed students with extenuating cases only 6. Students approved for a Special Payment Plan by Friday Sept. 13, 2019, will incur No Fee Penalties if they adhere to the require- ments of the plan. 7. Enrolled students who do not achieve financial clearance to complete registration by the Census Date of Friday September 13, 2019 , will be allowed to do so during the Late Registration period, which runs from September 14 to October 29, 2019 . 8. Students on all payment plans (standard or special) are given approximately 3 months to make good on their commitment to set- tle fees; without penalties. The Facility Fee of $8000 is applicable after the final pay- ment date of October 29, 2019 . 9. Recipients of Full Scholarship are not required to pay the ECF; as long as, the scholarship covers the full amount for each semester. 10. Recipients of Full Sponsorship are not required to pay the ECF; as long as, the sponsorship covers the full amount for each semester. U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y , J A M A I C A – S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 S T U D E N T F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S 84