UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

approved sponsorship through the Human Resource Department (HRD) are required to pay the ECF to begin modules selection, pending the approval of their sponsorship from HRD. Sponsorship/Scholarship recipients will need to visit the Financial Aid Office; while students with credit balances will need to visit the Stu- dent Financial Service Unit, to have the accounts assessed to determine if they meet the ECF requirement. T U I T I O N & A N C I L L A R Y F E E S Tuition fees are payable at the start of each semester, while the following non-refundable ancillary fees are payable annually, at the beginning of the academic year: 1. Students’ Union dues 2. Health Insurance 3. Student Welfare Fund 4. Registration 5. Jam Copy Tariff 6. Health/Personal Accident Insurance 7. Other fees where applicable (Law Library, Axis Journal, E-Books) Students are required to pay all the fee compo- nents outlined above. In addition, some Col- leges/Faculties may have other prescribed fees for particular activities. For example, Axis Jour- nal fee – applicable to Faculty of the Built Envi- ronment, Law Library fee in the Faculty of Law, and the E-books fee, applicable to the College of Health Sciences. T U I T I O N F E E S 1. Tuition fees are calculated on a per credit basis and are based on the total number of credits taken by a student in a given semester. 2. The cost per credit for each module is determined by the Faculty/College from which the module is being offered, based on the associated credit value assigned to each module. The following guidelines are applicable as it relates to tuition fees: 3. Under Semesterization, students are allowed to select modules and class times online using UTech, Ja’s Students’ Portal, via the University’s website at www.utech.edu.jm . 4. Students can ascertain the cost per credit for each module from the respective Col- lege/Faculty that offers the respective modules. This information is displayed on the student's fee breakdown and on the students’ portal. 5. Additionally students may request an esti- mate of fees from Student Financing department; at the reception desk located in the Lobby of the Main Administration Building. The Estimate of Fees is offered at no cost. 6. Based on the modules selected and the credit assignment for each module, an invoice is generated automatically; which details the total amount for which the stu- dent is billed for the modules selected; plus any other related (miscellaneous) charges for that semester. “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” S T U D E N T F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S 81