UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

The American Foundation of the University of Technology, Jamaica (AFUTech) established on March 10, 2004: • supports institutions of higher learning with capital improvements, general operat- ing expenses, provision of services or par- ticipation in joint undertakings • sponsors and supports scholarships for stu- dents in institutions of higher learning and operates exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. Application forms for Foundation scholarships are available at the Financial Aid Office on the Papine campus. U T E C H O N L I N E - B L E N D E D L E A R N I N G In its effort to increase flexible access to aca- demic programmes and services, UTech, Ja. has been intensifying its use of various technology modalities to facilitate online-blended learning. The aim is to deliver lectures and course materi- als through various blends or combinations of the web, videos, podcasts, video-conferencing and other interactive media, while enriching face-to-face dialogue and interactions within the physical classroom. Several courses of study will also be delivered fully online throughout the Caribbean and beyond. All first year students will have the opportunity to pursue selected General Education modules in either a blended or completely online format through the virtual learning space UTechOn- line ( https://utechonline.utech.edu.jm) . In keeping with the semesterization thrust, stu- dents will ultimately be able to select modes of delivery that are most convenient and suitable for their learning styles. These new arrange- ments will require adequate access to individ- ual computers/laptops and internet bandwidth. Students will also be expected to participate in orientation sessions to the learner support sys- tems. The timetable and other details relating to the launch of specific pilot initiatives will be communicated at the school level. U T E C H O N L I N E L E A R N I N G M A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M ( LMS ) UTechOnline is the University’s official virtual learning space, which is powered by the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS). It is home to an array of modules and courses- of-study in various formats ranging from simple web-assisted and web-enhanced features to more interactive blended, hybrid or fully online delivery. UTechOnline can be accessed at https://utechonline.utech.edu.jm As a registered student, your official UTech login ID and Password will provide access to UTechOnline. Your official UTech email address will be required also to access this learning space, so a transition period is being arranged for all students who currently utilise other email addresses to create one. More details regarding the access to UTech Online will be provided in special online orientation documents. “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” S U P P O R T S E R V I C E S F O R S T U D E N T S 75