UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

e.g. philosophy and ethics are also available in the Centre. The Centre is also directly respon- sible for the English Language Proficiency Test which is a prerequisite for some students enter- ing the University. The LTRC offers a facility for self-directed, inde- pendent study but users are able to benefit from the guidance of a facilitator. Students needing specialized assistance in language learning should make appointments. M I S S I O N : • To encourage, nurture and otherwise facili- tate the highest levels of proficiency in verbal and written language use within the University community. • To spearhead enquiry into and academic engagement with issues of language use within the University community and in the wider national context through research, speaker’s fora, colloquia and other relevant modalities. To make appointments, visit the Centre during the following hours: Monday–Friday: 9:00–12:00 and 1:00–4:00 S E R V I C E S O F F E R E D : Customized tutorials for students, the Lan- guage Challenge, translation of documents, proofreading and editing, training seminars and workshops in business communication and consultations by appointment. P E R S O N N E L : Teaching Assistant: 876-927-1680, Ext. 2447 L I B R A R Y S E R V I C E S I N F O R M AT I O N R E S O U R C E S The Calvin McKain Library offers a wide range of information resources and services to stu- dents and faculty in support of teaching, learn- ing and research. These resources include: • Print book and journal collection of 135,436 books and 59 titles respectively. In addition, access is available to more than 58,000 journal titles through 19 online resources covering approximately 83 data- bases. There are also 1,530 videos, DVDs, CD ROMs and audio tapes, including the Art and Architecture special collection. Pamphlets, newspapers, government and private sector publications, such as the PAHO Collection are also part of the library’s resources. • A Reserved Materials Collection, located in the Client Services Division, consists of textbooks and other resources available for 4-hour loan. Materials in the Caribbean Collection are available for a similar loan period. The Reference Librarian is located in the Caribbean Reading Room and pro- vides assistance with research, inter-library loan and document delivery services. “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” S U P P O R T S E R V I C E S F O R S T U D E N T S 65