UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

Norman Manley International Airport to the UTech, Ja. campus or its immediate environs is approximately US$45.00 . This may be less if students travel in groups. Sponsored Students: Sponsored students must take a Letter of Commitment from their spon- sor to the ISO to show proof of sponsorship. You will not be able to register as a sponsored stu- dent unless the International Students’ Coordi- nator has cleared you. You may also fax the Letter of Commitment to the ISO at fax number 876-970-1058, or, scan and email to: jsinclair@utech.edu.jm /alicia.baker@utech . edu.jm. Where applicable, sponsored students should ensure that they have enough funds to cover settling in costs and living expenses for at least one month until their funding is received. On Campus Accommodation: Upon arrival, the Accommodations Office will assist and direct you to your Hall of Residence. Prospective stu- dents desiring housing on-campus must com- plete a “Boarding Application Form”, which can be accessed via our website at http://www.utech.edu.jm. The application period for summer and year-long students is October 1 to January 31. For further infor- mation on on-campus housing please visit the Accommodations Office’s webpage at http://www.utechjamaica.edu.jm/accom/. The Office also provides assistance with off-campus accommodation. Orientation: Students entering the University for the first time are required to participate in a week-long orientation programme. The pro- gramme introduces students to the University’s history, traditions, educational programmes, co-curricular programmes and academic requirements to ensure successful completion of their programme. Medical Requirements: All full-time students entering the University for the first time must submit a medical certificate. The completed form should be submitted to the Medical Centre. The form can be downloaded at www.utechjamaica.edu.jm. Please note that the medical can be done in your home country or at the Medical Centre on campus. The Community Service Programme (CSP): The Community Service Programme (CSP 1001) is a mandatory forty-five (45) hour, one-credit module which comprises five (5) contact hours in the classroom and forty (40) community service hours out in the field. These forty (40) contact hours must be completed at an approved agency agreed on by the Community Service Department at the University of Tech- nology, Jamaica (UTech, Ja). Students are given two (2) consecutive academic years to com- plete their CSP projects, but are strongly urged to complete this module within the first two academic years. If it is not completed within the stipulated time, students will automatically fail the module, and “F”will be the grade granted. For further information, please visit http://www.utech.edu.jm/services/community- services/index.html “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” D I V I S I O N O F S T U D E N T S E R V I C E S A N D R E G I S T R Y 55