UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

• Become a member of the Career Enhance- ment Club. Meetings are held every Thurs- day from 3pm – 4pm in the SOBA Engine Room 1. • Apply for job placement and become a part of the pool of job applicants prepared for job opportunities as soon as they become available. • Network with prospective employers at our annual job fair to be held in March. • Join us on facebook (Placement UTech) and get constant updates on activities and events. • Visit our webpage at www.utechjamaica. edu.jm/offices/career. Get updates on upcoming events, and discuss topics related to your career development. To participate in any of the above activities and events please email us at placement@utech.edu.jm. , Skype us at career.placement or visit us at the Department of Student Services located on the Papine Campus. C O U N S E L L I N G U N I T As we go through life, we are faced with many personal decisions and challenging problems. These can be difficult and sometimes overwhel- ming to handle. Many problems are solved through discussions with colleagues, friends, family; a lecturer, tutor, nurse, chaplain or coun- sellor. In some instances, it is best to obtain assistance away from one’s familiar daily environment. The University’s Counselling Unit is available to assist in addressing the needs of individuals who find it too challenging to adequately cope with life’s situations. Getting professional help is about seeking viable options towards posi- tive change and empowerment in one’s life. Although there is no quick fix to every situation, talking confidentially with a trained profes- sional is a major step towards resolving an issue. T H E C O U N S E L L I N G T E A M The Unit is staffed by a psychiatrist (part-time), a team of trained psychologists (psychothera- pists), and chaplains. They are all competently trained in helping clients from varying back- grounds and cultures, with a wide range of personal and other issues. As counselling is a process that seeks to assist clients to focus on, and understand more clearly the issues that are affecting them, the counsellor’s role is to provide support and understanding, while listening and a non-judg- mental response. Our counsellors respect your values, choices and lifestyle, and want you to experience the best quality life while at the University of Technology, Jamaica. D U R AT I O N O F S E S S I O N S Typically, each counselling session lasts for fifty (50) minutes. However, shorter or longer ses- sions are sometimes held – depending on the circumstances. While some matters might “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” D I V I S I O N O F S T U D E N T S E R V I C E S A N D R E G I S T R Y 51