UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

Should there be challenges encountered while completing this form, students may contact the Accommodation Unit for assistance at tele- phone numbers 876-970-5191/5262/5847. In the event that a student is not accepted for on-campus boarding, the Accommodation Unit assists in finding suitable and affordable off campus accommodation. C A R E E R A N D P L A C E M E N T U N I T This Unit engages in activities that are geared towards students’ and graduates’ total preparedness for employment and or entrepreneurship. The Unit constantly liaises with: • students and alumni to establish, and assist in fulfilling their goals; • administration and academic departments regarding programmes and activities for students and alumni; • corporate society to indentify job place- ment opportunities and general trends in demand. S E R V I C E S O F F E R E D Career Advisement: This service is offered to students individually or in small groups. In scheduled sessions, students can explore career options, complete career assessment instru- ments, get insight into the employment pro- cess, review items such as résumés and cover letters and be referred to other relevant serv- ices available on and or off the campus. Résumé Clinic: Students receive help to create/review items such as résumés, cover letters, and career portfolios. Mock Interviews: The Unit provides an oppor- tunity for final year students to sharpen their interviewing techniques, through “real life” interviews with human resource professionals from both corporate Jamaica and the Univer- sity. Students are provided with valuable feed- back and general coaching on their overall performance. Employment Empowerment Sessions: A series of sessions are held over two semesters, with approximately seven (7) sessions each semester. The sessions are geared towards equipping students with the necessary “employability skills” for them to function effectively in the job market. Career Enhancement Club (CEC): The Career Enhancement Club (CEC) is a student-led organization that fosters career development and opportunities. CEC stands to encourage and support students in their job search in all career fields. CEC helps define and promote stu- dents’ professional image in a manner that is guided by the highest international standards. Additionally, the club assists with career identi- fication and ultimately the recruitment of out- standing students for leadership in the world of work. As a feature of the Career and Placement Unit, CEC also develops and maintains an informative and effective programme through “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” D I V I S I O N O F S T U D E N T S E R V I C E S A N D R E G I S T R Y 49