UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

O F F I C E O F T H E R E G I S T R A R The Division of Student Services and Registry is headed by the University Registrar who is an Officer of the University. It is responsible for matters relating to University Governance and Corporate Records, as well as administering the affairs of students, from admission to gradu- ation. The Division also handles requests for academic records including transcripts and statements. The Office of the Registrar, which is located on the mezzanine floor of the main Administration Building, may be reached on telephone numbers: 876-970-5034/5035. U N I V E R S I T Y S E C R E TA R I AT The University Registrar serves as Secretary to the University Council and Academic Board, Faculty and College Boards and all Standing, Special or Advisory Committees set up by these bodies. Management of these bodies is coordi- nated and facilitated by the University Secretar- iat which provides administrative, advisory and/or secretarial support. The University Secretariat plays a significant role in the devel- opment, dissemination, revision and interpreta- tion of the University Governance instruments. It is a repository of information on all matters relating to University Governance. In this context, the University Secretariat provides advice and guidance on matters of jurisdiction, strategy, policy and process to all members of the University Community. The University Secretariat also has responsibility for, inter alia, managing university elections, the use of the University’s ceremonial symbols and University Seal. The Office is headed by an Assistant Reg- istrar, University Secretariat, Mrs. Charmagne Mortley. S T U D E N T R E L AT I O N S O F F I C E The Office of Student Relations (OSR) aims to improve relationships among students, faculty and administrators by being an advocate and support centre. The Office of Student Relations also serves as a resource centre for College/ Faculty Student Academic Affairs Committees CSAAC/FSAAC, Faculty Administrators, the University’s counsellors, Non-Papine or off-site Campuses and Central Administration on the University’s policies, and regulations pertaining to students. Student matters handled by the Office include requests for consideration by the CSAAC/FSAAC, such as deferrals, leave of absences, withdrawals, change of status, “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” 39 D I V I S I O N O F S T U D E N T S E R V I C E S A N D R E G I S T R Y