UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

T H E S C HOO L O F G R ADUAT E S T UD I E S , R E S E A R C H AND E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P ( SGSRE ) The School of Graduate Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship leads and manages the devel- opment and delivery of graduate courses across the academic units of the University. Directed by the research mandate of the Uni- versity, the School guides and supports Univer- sity research activities, with a particular focus on inter-disciplinary and applied research rel- evant to economic and social problems and needs. As an income-generating centre of the University, the School guides and supports entrepreneurial activity, primarily through the delivery of consultancy services and research and development innovations. The School pro- vides guidance and supervision for the aca- demic publications of the University, and administers the intellectual property rights (IPR) policy and operations of the University. T H E W E S T E R N C A M P U S UTech, Jamaica Western Campus is strategically positioned to contribute to the economic development of Western Jamaica. From its two locations in Montego Bay, i.e. Dome Street and Cottage Close, students from the parishes of Hanover, St Elizabeth, St James, Trelawny and Westmoreland are competently provided with optimum service, preparing them to work in Engineering, Construction, Agriculture, Infor- mation Technology and Service–Oriented businesses, and also in the Business Process Outsourcing and Tourism, especially as the campus is in close proximity to the Free-zone which employs thousands of workers in the Information and Communication Technology industry. The Campus offers a wide range of programmes from the Certificate, Associate, Bachelor and Masters levels as well as profes- sional and franchise programmes in collabo- ration with the Montego Bay Community College. The graduates from the UTech, Jamaica Western Campus are highly sought after for employ- ment in the Financial, BPO, Health and Tourism sectors. T H E C A LV I N M C K A I N L I B R A R Y The University Library, called the Calvin McKain Library, offers a wide range of information resources and services to students and faculty in support of teaching, learning and research. The information is presented in print and elec- tronic formats. Detailed information about the collections, the online catalogue, location of materials, borrowing privileges, other services provided, opening hours, rules and regulations is provided on the website: http://library.utech . edu.jm/client/en_GB/default. All students, including those at off-campus locations, have borrowing and/or reading privileges. Library information literacy sessions are held throughout each semester to enhance clients’ information seeking skills and familiarize them with library resources and services. For further “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” G O V E R N A N C E 35