UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

ible access and options to the University’s pro- grammes for diverse students through a blend of modes and technologies, including the UTe- chOnline Learning Management System (LMS), video lectures, web-streaming and video-con- ferencing tools. The ODL provides support to staff through orientation, training, coaching and technical assistance in designing and adapting modules for the online environment. Other support activities include helpdesk serv- ices for students; developing and proctoring online quizzes/exams; and monitoring the Turn- itin plagiarism application. Of note, is that the ODL designs online modules with accessibility features for all students, regardless of disability, which includes an Accessibility Toolbar and Sign Language. O F F I C E O F Q U A L I T Y A S S U R A N C E ( OQA ) The Office of Quality Assurance (OQA) provides academic guidance related to quality assurance to 19 schools operating within three colleges and five faculties. The principal role and function of the OQA is to guide and support the continuing devel- opment, implementation and monitoring of UTech Jamaica’s Quality Management System. Key features of this system include policy devel- opment and review, conducting academic qual- ity audits to assure compliance to policies, guidelines and procedures of the University; evaluation of courses, modules and lecturers, leadership in academic advisement, accredita- tion (institutional, professional and pro- gramme) and facilitating workshops for quality enhancement. The office has a staff comple- ment of an Associate Vice President (AVP) Qual- ity Assurance, four technical officers and two administrative support staff. The operating units of the OQA are quality assurance, accredi- tation, internal academic quality audit, aca- demic advisement and evaluation. O F F I C E O F T E A C H I N G A N D L E A R N I N G ( OT L ) The Office of Teaching and Learning provides oversight of core academic functions through- out the University pertaining to Prior Learning, Curriculum, and Co-operative Education. Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) recognizes the learning and knowledge that prospective stu- dents have obtained from work and life experi- ence. The PLA Unit facilitates admission for applicants without the traditional matriculation requirements, and aids accelerated completion of undergraduate degrees through module exemptions. The Curriculum Unit reviews and monitors courses of study in the University, pro- vides technical assistance in curriculum design and development, and facilitates training for academic staff in teaching and assessment. The Co-operative Education Unit facilitates struc- tured integration of classroom learning with relevant on-the-job work experiences ensuring that our students gain practical and profes- sional exposure in real work settings. U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y , J A M A I C A – S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 G O V E R N A N C E 34