UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

“The Committee shall consider requests from students submitted to the Dean of the Faculty copied to the Student Relations Officer. (See “Schedule of College/Faculty Meetings” on page 20). – Requests that are within policy shall be decided on by the Committee and the deci- sions forwarded to the Student Relations Office for dispatch. – Requests that are outside of policy shall be referred to the Faculty Board for a resolution or to the Board of Undergraduate Studies (BUS) or the Board of Graduate Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship (BGSRE), if not resolved by the Faculty Board. – On matters that require Academic Board’s review or approval, the Committee shall refer those matters to the BUS or BGSRE for submis- sion to the Academic Board Student Affairs Review Panel. – In discharging its duties, the Committee shall be guided by the appropriate University Pol- icies and Regulations, as well as the relevant Faculty Regulations.” U T E C H A C A D E M Y The UTech Academy is the newest academic unit of the University of Technology, Jamaica. It is the Open Learning, Open Access entity charged with serving the needs of communities across Jamaica and the Caribbean, utilizing a range of delivery modalities and through cen- tres locally and regionally. Learners with limited access to higher education as a result of inadequate secondary preparation and other challenges should be able to find opportuni- ties to access centres of continuous learning. A significant recruiting agent within the univer- sity, it is charged with the responsibility for pre- paring future students for the Colleges and Faculties as well as facilitating professional courses and continuing education for personal and professional development. It is also the conduit for introducing the established College/Faculty programmes to distant locations where the possibilities exist. A C A D E M I C M A N A G E M E N T S U P P O R T U N I T S The Academic Management Support units pro- vide support to the Colleges and Faculties. They ensure that teaching, curricula, research and related requirements for academic support are met and are of the highest quality. The offices are as follows: Office of Distance Learning (ODL); Office of Quality Assurance (OQA); Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL); School of Grad- uate Studies Research and Entrepreneurship (SGSRE); Western Campus; The Calvin McKain Library; Caribbean Sustainable Energy and Innovation Institute (CSEII); and the UTech Academy. O F F I C E O F D I S T A N C E L E A R N I N G ( OD L ) The Office of Distance Learning (ODL) is respon- sible for the coordination of distance learning in the University. Its mandate is to increase flex- “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” G O V E R N A N C E 33