UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship leads and manages the development and delivery of graduate courses across the academic units of the University. Directed by the research man- date of the University, the School guides and supports university research activities, with a particular focus on inter-disciplinary and applied research relevant to economic and social problems and needs. As an income-gen- erating centre of the University, the School guides and supports entrepreneurial activity, primarily through the delivery of consultancy services and research and development innova- tions. The School also provides guidance and supervision for the academic publications of the University in addition to administering the intellectual property rights (IPR) policy and operations of the University. Enumerated below are the specific roles and functions of the SGSRE: 1. Provides linkages among Graduate Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship 2. Develops and implements policies for the central registration of research and consul- tancy projects 3. Vigorously promotes industrial/profes- sional graduate research degrees at both masters and doctoral levels 4. Develops and monitors implementation of a formula for equitable allocation of returns From income generating research and consultancy ventures 5. Leads inter-disciplinarily for research and consultancy among Graduate Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Units (GSREUs) 6. Organizes a system of mentorship and pas- toral care for graduate students 7. Establishes a system for the protection of Intellectual Property 8. Benchmarks FGSREUs graduate studies, research and entrepreneurship activities. C O L L E G E / F A C U LT Y S T U D E N T A C A D E M I C A F FA I R S C O MM I T T E E ( C / F S AAC ) The College/Faculty Student Academic Affairs Committee is a committee of the College/ Faculty Boards. It has been delegated powers to make recommendations to the Faculty Boards on matters relating to the academic affairs of students, collectively and/or individually. Among the student matters considered by the Committee are the following: • Deferral of registration • Cancellation of registration • Fee refunds • Leave of absence • Permanent withdrawal from programmes • Re-admission • Re-instatement • Programme completion • Deferral of examinations • Inter-faculty transfers. The scope of its responsibilities, as indicated in the “Terms of Reference” of the FSAAC, is as follows: U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y , J A M A I C A – S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 G O V E R N A N C E 32