UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

Arts in Communication Arts and Technology. This is arguably the most comprehensive undergraduate communication and media degree in Jamaica. In the programme, students pursue concentrations in journalism, public relations, advertising or writing (contemporary prose and publishing poetry). Students in all concentrations are taken through the rigours of photography, video editing, oral communica- tion, and professional voice and speech, all on a multimedia platform that makes them opti- mally marketable in today’s information age. SHSS also offers general education modules in academic literacies (Academic Writing I and II) and foreign languages (Spanish, French and Japanese). Psychology, sociology and other humanities and social sciences modules com- plete the school’s offerings. In addition, the School administers the English Language Profi- ciency Test for students pursuing undergradu- ate degrees at the university, and operates a DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) Centre, which offers each year on behalf of the Cervantes Institute in Spain the DELE examination, which is an international certification of competence in Spanish based on the Common European Framework for Languages. F ACULT Y OF E NGINEERING & C OMPUTING The Faculty of Engineering and Computing has been the premier tertiary level provider of education in engineering and computing in Jamaica for more than fifty years. The Faculty has graduated competent highly knowledge- able and skilled engineers and computing pro- fessionals to support industrial development and economic growth. Unique to its programme offerings are the bilin- gual degree in Chemical Engineering (English and Spanish) and the Enterprise Computing programme. These programmes are offered nowhere else in the English Speaking Caribbean. All of the established programmes within the Faculty have been accredited locally by the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ). In addition, the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering pro- grammes are accredited by the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET). The wide range of programme offerings include Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in Agricultural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Industrial and Mechanical Engineering and Diplomas in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. The School of Computing and Information Technology offers a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Computing with a major in Computer Science and Information Technology. The Faculty also offers a number of graduate programmes including the MPhil in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Systems. There are also taught masters programmes such as the MSc in Information Systems Man- agement and the Post Graduate Diploma in “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” G O V E R N A N C E 29