UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

C O L L E G E O F H E A LT H S C I E N C E S The College offers an impressive array of gradu- ate, undergraduate and certificate courses for health related professions in local, regional and global markets in several fields, such as Phar- macy, Nursing, Dietetics and Nutrition, Medical Technology, Midwifery, Critical Care, Pharma- ceutical Technology, Dialysis Technician, Child & Adolescent Development and Health Infor- mation Technology. It is also committed to research activities that will address and provide solutions to health care problems locally and regionally. The College consists of three Schools: School of Pharmacy, School of Allied Health andWellness and the Caribbean School of Nursing, UTech, Ja. The Schools are located on the main campus (Papine). The Caribbean School of Nursing has a satellite campus in Montego Bay, located at Barnett Clinic. Critical Care and Nurse Anaesthesia courses of study are offered at the Braemar Avenue Campus. Graduate courses are also offered in the even- ing at the same location. College of Health Sciences (COHS) offers the online/blended options that facilitate student learning at his/her convenience. F ACULT Y OF E DUCATION & L IBERAL S TUDIES The Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies (FELS) comprises the School of Technical and Vocational Education (SOTAVE) and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS). SOTAVE is a University-based teacher training School, which has a tradition of teacher prepa- ration in technical and vocational education and training dating to 1971. The School trains teachers in business and computer studies, construction technology, electrical technology, mechanical technology, and family and con- sumer studies. Since 2003, the School has pro- vided support to the Department of Mathematics and Science (now the Faculty of Science and Sport) in the professional prepara- tion of students in its science and mathematics education courses of study. The School has also worked closely with the HEART Trust/NTA in preparing its trainers in the various technical areas offered by the agency. This year that part- nership has resulted in the development of an Associate of Arts degree/NCTVET Level IV certi- fication in Image Consulting and Fashion Styl- ing through the HEART College of Beauty Services. Student-teachers in SOTAVE pursue studies for delivering the Grades 7 to 9, the Caribbean Sec- ondary Education Certificate (CSEC), and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) curricula. In addition, the School offers a Bachelor of Arts in Apparel Design, Production and Management (ADPM) for those interested in the Caribbean’s developing fashion industry. SOTAVE also houses the UTech UNESCO- UNEVOC Centre, a member of a network of agencies specialising in promoting UNESCO’s education for all agenda and strengthening technical and vocational education and training its 195 member states. The SHSS has, since 2009, offered a Bachelor of U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y , J A M A I C A – S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 G O V E R N A N C E 28