UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

city of Montego Bay, St. James. The Caribbean School of Nursing (CSON) is located at Barnett Clinic, 2 Cottage Close in Montego Bay. CSON programmes are the BSc Nursing, BSc Midwif- ery, Post Basic Midwifery, BSc completion for RN, Master in Health Administration. The Dome Street building at 17 Dome St. is the home for programmes of studies from the Faculty of Law (LLB), and the College of Business and Manage- ment (BBA); Faculty of Sports and Science offers a BSc in Mathematics and Education and also provides the general education modules in mathematics. The Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies currently provides service for the humanities and will soon offer the BCAT programme in the West. The Students’ Union Western Office is located at the Dome St. build- ing. UTech, Ja. delivers the ASc Degree in Busi- ness Administration from the Dome Street Campus under the supervision of the UTech Academy. S C H O O L O F A D V A N C E D M A N A G E M E N T School of Advanced Management, Postgradu- ate Division, a School within the College of Business and Management is located at 237 Old Hope Road, Kingston. The School primarily offers graduate and postgraduate, professional and certificate courses. The graduate courses offered are the Master in Business Administra- tion (MBA), Master of Science in Finance (MSF), Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business Administration. For further information relating to course offer- ings kindly contact the The School of Advanced Management: 876-970-5522 and 876-970-5551 or 876-927-1680 ext 2522 or 2551. They can also be contacted via email: cobamgrad@utech. edu.jm . F R A N C H I S E A N D O U T R E A C H I N S T I T U T I O N S The University has collaborative agreements with five local community colleges, namely, Brown’s Town, Excelsior, Knox, Montego Bay and Portmore as well as Churches Teacher’s College, the College of the Bahamas, and St. Vincent & the Grenadines Community College. Under this arrangement, the first and/or second years of diploma and/or undergraduate degree courses in the College of Business & Manage- ment and the Faculty of Engineering & Comput- ing may be pursued at these institutions. All four years of the Bachelor of Pharmacy are offered at the College of the Bahamas. The Caribbean School of Nursing facilitates the delivery of the Post RN Bachelor of Science in Nursing in St. Vincent & the Grenadines and at Excelsior Community College. “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” I N T R O D U C T I O N T O T H E U N I V E R S I T Y 25