UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y , J A M A I C A – S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 248 1. H OW DO I TAKE A BREAK FROM MY STUDIES ? 1. Complete a CSAAC/FSAAC form for a leave of absence or withdrawal. 2. Submit to the Students Relations Office, Student Services Building. Note: Normally, approval is given for only one year. This time period will be excluded from the calculation of the time taken to complete your programme. 2. H OW MUCH TIME DO I HAVE TO COMPLETE MY COURSE OF STUDY ? The maximum time frame is the prescribed time frame (stated duration of the course of study) plus 3 years. 3. W HAT IS THE PROCEDURE FOR RE - ENTERING THE U NIVERSIT Y / A COURSE OF STUDY AFTER A PERIOD OF ABSENCE ? 1. Complete the Application for Re-admission form. 2. Submit to the Admissions Office. 4. W HEN DO I REGISTER AS A STUDENT OF THE U NIVERSIT Y ? Registration takes place 3 times per year – Semester 1, July-August, Semester 2, January and Summer session, 5. A S A YEARLONG STUDENT WHEN DO I REGISTER FOR A RE - DO ? In order to register for a Re-do you must have already registered as a student of the University in the periods indicated in No. 4 above. The dates are indicated in the Significant Dates section of the Handbook. 6. W HEN ARE RE - DO EXAMS OFFERED ? During semester 1, semester 2 and summer session examinations. This is subject to the availability of modules. Students are encourged to discuss with their academic advisor such matters. 7. W HAT IF I MISS AN EXAM ? 1. Notify your Head of School as soon as possible. 2. If it was due to illness, submit a medical certificate within 5 working days of the missed exam to the Health Centre Admin- istrator. Otherwise, you will be assigned a zero. 3. Missed exams will be recorded as a failure. 8. W HAT DO I NEED IN ORDER TO SIT AN END - OF - SEMESTER AND SUMMER SESSION EXAMINATIONS ? 1. Examination card O T H E R F R E Q U E N T LY A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S ( FAQ ’ s )