UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

“ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” 245 request any documentation/evidence which he/she believes can justify the appeal. The following are justifications for grade appeal: • The grade was assigned in a manner not consistent with the standards and proce- dures specified in the syllabus or com- municated (orally or written) by the lecturer to the class. • Evidence of procedural or other irregularities in the conduct of the examination/assessment. • Evidence of mistakes in calculating or recording individual assessment compo- nents. • The grade awarded was based upon per- sonal reason(s) unrelated to the lecturer's professional evaluation of the academic performance of the student. The appeal form must be accompanied by a receipt as evidence that the student has paid the review fee in accordance with current Uni- versity rates. The fee will only be refunded if the letter grade is raised. The review process can take up to four weeks, and the student will be informed in writing of the result by the College/Faculty Office. The reviewer (external to the programme) will consider whether the grade was determined in a fair and appropriate manner, in accordance to the marking scheme and in comparison to the standard applied to other students, and report to the Head of School using the appeal form that was completed by the student. If a change in the mark (score) or grade is to be done, the Change of Grade Form shall be accompanied with the Appeal Form. Before completing this form, first discuss the matter with the lecturer, and then with your Programme Director if there is no resolution. 1. An application fee (attachment of original receipt) must accompany this form. The fee will be refunded only if the final letter grade is raised. 2. A separate form must be submitted for each module to be reviewed. 3. The application form must be submitted to the Student Affairs Office of the Faculty that is responsible for the delivery of the module, within two weeks after the pub- lication of the final letter grade. 4. All documentation/evidence to support the review must be submitted with this application. 5. Allow at least four weeks for a reply by the Head of School or Vice Dean. 6. Reasons for justifying why a grade should be reviewed include: a. The grade was assigned in a manner not consistent with the standards and procedures specified in the syllabus or communicated (orally or written) by the lecturer to the class. b. Evidence of procedural or other irreg- ularities in the conduct of the examination. c. Evidence of mistakes in calculating or recording individual components. d. The module grade was based upon personal reason(s) unrelated to the lecturer’s professional evaluation of the academic performance of the student. C H A N G E O F G R A D E P O L I C Y