UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

“ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” 239 d. To be considered for exemption based solely on certification (see 2.1 a), the stu- dent must have obtained the certificate within seven years prior to the year of application for module exemption, in a UTech, Jamaica course of study or at another approved/accredited tertiary institution. e. To be considered for exemption based on prior work/life experience which is to be demonstrated through portfolio devel- opment, the student must have acquired at least five (5) years of current, relevant experience (see 2.1 b). 2 . 4 F EES TO BE P AID FOR E XEMPTED M ODULES University policy applies. 2 . 5 P R O C E D U R E a. For exemption based solely on certification from a recognised/accredited institution: i. The student should submit the com- pleted form(s) to the Faculty/College Student Affairs Office along with all supporting documentation (includ- ing module description, transcript, syllabus, and statement of achieve- ment and level achieved) no later than two (2) weeks prior to the start of the semester in which the exemp- tion is being sought. The appropriate Subject Leader/Programme Direc- tor/Module Coordinator will evaluate the application (for comparability of the quality/suitability of the experi- ence/module). For work related experience, the Programme Director must obtain the endorsement and signature from the School’s Cooper- ative Education Coordinator. ii. Upon confirmation of the exemption by the Registrar, the Faculty/College Student Affairs Office will inform the student in writing of the result of the evaluation by the end of the first week of classes. If exemption is granted, the student is not required to complete the Add/Drop form unless he/she wishes to add other modules. However, students are expected to attend all classes (where required) and complete all assign- ments until the exemption is con- firmed. b. For exemption based on Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) i. A student seeking exemption based on prior experience must first contact the PLA Unit for advice on the requirements, procedures, deadlines and fees associated with the process. ii. The PLA Coordinator will complete the PLA Referral Form (see attached form), and submit to the respective Head of School Programme Director for approval of the student’s request. Once approval is granted, the student will complete the Application for Module Exemption Form in triplicate and submit to the Faculty/College T R A N S F E R C R E D I T A N D E X E M P T I O N P O L I C Y