UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y , J A M A I C A – S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 236 be awarded a first class or upper second class honours degree, transfer students must complete at least 80% or 70%, respec- tively, of the full course of study at UTech, Jamaica. c. Where a student is being transferred from one UTech, Jamaica course of study to another closely related course, limits on the number of credits may be waived at the dis- cretion of the Programme Director. d. Students may only apply for transfer credits that are relevant to their course of study. 1 . 3 A C C E P T A B I L I T Y O F M O D U L E S a. To be eligible for credit transfer, a module must have been completed within seven years (normally based on time of exit from the relevant Course of Study) prior to the year of application for credit. This is also applicable for modules transferred within UTech, Jamaica. Courses of study or mod- ules that have been banked by occasional students. A lower time-limit for eligibility may be set by the Faculty/College for mod- ules where the state of knowledge changes rapidly. b. A minimum grade of C (UTech’ s grading system) is required for credit transfer of modules taken in undergraduate degree courses of study. Individual Schools/ Departments have discretion to adopt a higher minimum grade where appropriate, such as in core modules. Performance des- ignations other than letter or percentage grades are not acceptable for transfer credit. c. Credit will not be granted for the research component of a degree or diploma. d. The transfer of credits is done upon admis- sion and is a one-off exercise. No subse- quent transfer of credits will be undertaken during the course of the admittee’s study. e. Where a current student, including one from a UTech, Jamaica franchise pro- gramme, is transferring from one Course of Study to another, the C- grade may be transferred, based on the nature of the Course of Study to which the transfer is being requested. 1 . 4 A P P E A L O F T R A N S F E R A B I L I T Y O F M O D U L E E Q U I V A L E N C I E S Students who wish to appeal the outcome of a transfer credit application may request a review of the decision by applying in writing to the Registrar. When making an appeal, students must provide supporting documentation (which include syllabus, module description, examina- tion paper, etc.) before any consideration can be made. 1 . 5 G R A D U AT E S T U D E N T S The University’s Policy on Transfer Credit and Exemption (Policy Reference 2010/A/08/70F) applies to graduate students, with the following exceptions: Transfer Credit Limits a. The maximum number of credits that may be transferred from another institution to UTech, Jamaica is fifty percent (50%) of the T R A N S F E R C R E D I T A N D E X E M P T I O N P O L I C Y