UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

personal cellular telephone calls to their Head of School for action, in accordance with disci- plinary measures outlined under Ordinance 15. E X C E P T I O N S T O T H I S P O L I C Y The policy will not apply in the following circumstances: • Where students are using mobile technol- ogy to make class presentations or to connect with external sites as part of class assignments; • Where a student or member of staff is experiencing a personal emergency that requires constant contact, his/her cellular phone/mobile device may be kept on “Discreet”mode. In the latter case, the student should inform the instructor and seek his/her permission before the beginning of the class. The instructor will notify the class of the possibility of the interrup- tion at the beginning of the class. In the event of a call, the student/staff member will excuse him/herself, with a minimum of disruption to the class, to answer the emergency call. U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y , J A M A I C A – S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 226 P O L I C Y G O V E R N I N G T H E U S E O F C E L L U L A R P H O N E S A N D M U L T I M E D I A / M O B I L E D E V I C E S