UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

out the semester. A student should expect to spend the same amount of time in stu- dying for an Independent Study module as would be spent on an in-class module. Lecturers: 1. A lecturer must be designated by the Aca- demic Programme Director/Programme Leader in consultation with the Pro- gramme Coordinator/Head of School/Head of Department, and approved by the Vice Dean. The student must be notified when the module and designated lecturer have been approved. 2. The Independent Study lecturer and the student must at the beginning of the sem- ester, agree on a learning contract detailing the expectations and requirements for the completion of the Independent Study mod- ule, including the number of assignments and the time-lines for completion. The programme director/graduate studies aca- demic director will crosscheck to see that all conditions outlined in the IS guideline have been made and the contract duly completed before recommending it for approval. Head of School/Department: The Head of School/Department on the advice of the Programme Director/Graduate Studies coordinator will approve the recommended IS documents presented by the Programme Direc- tor/Graduate Studies academic co-ordinator and submit it to the Vice Dean. C R E D I T L I M I T S While provisions are made for both graduate and undergraduate students of the University of Technology, Jamaica to engage in Independ- ent Study supervised by a faculty member, careful consideration is made to ensure balance between Independent Study and classroom experience. As such, undergraduate students who satisfy the conditions may be allowed to register for no more than 2 modules (of no more than 6 credits) to be taken by Independ- ent Study for their entire programme. Graduate students, on the other hand, on satisfying the conditions, may register for no more 3 modules (of no more than 9 credits) to be taken by Inde- pendent Study for the duration of the entire programme. However, exceptions may apply for graduate students who may be on the UTech’s Experience-based PhD programme, in which case, approval may be given for more than 3 modules, where necessary. A DVICE TO THE I NDEPENDENT S TUDY S UPERVISOR An Independent Study lecturer will be asked to sign a contract. The relevant information for the preparation of the contract will be submitted through the Vice Dean of the Faculty to the Human Resources Department. The lecturer will be asked to sign and return the contract to the HR Department for processing. “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” 221 I N D E P E N D E N T S T U D Y