UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

3.5. to address such other matters as the Academic Board may refer to them from time to time. E X T E R N A L E X A M I N E R S 4. Introduction 4.1. External examiners are essential to the academic well-being of the University. Their involvement ensures that the insti- tution’s awards are comparable in stan- dards to awards granted and conferred by other institutions of higher educa- tion. Their comments on assessment procedures, the standard, content and development of the course form a vital part of the process within the University for the monitoring of its courses. 4.2. The External examiners also fulfil an essential role in ensuring that all assess- ments are in accordance with approved assessment regulations, justice is done to the individual student, and appropri- ate consideration is given to individual students’ extenuating circumstances. 5. Selection of External Examiners 5.1 The University‘s Regulation (and the reg- ulations of external bodies, where appropriate) require external examiners to be involved with all examinations and other forms of assessment which con- tribute to the students’ final awards. External examiners must therefore be involved in assessments of pre-final stages of courses if there is a carry forward mark to the final award. 5.2 External examiners are drawn from a wide variety of institutional/ professional contexts and traditions in order that individual courses of study have the benefit of wide ranging external scru- tiny. Normally, there must not be: 5.2.1 reciprocal external examining between courses in two institutions; 5.2.2 replacement of an external examiner by an individual from the same institution; 5.2.3 an external examiner from an institution which has been the source of examiners in the recent past (normally four years). 5.3 When making the nomination of an external examiner, the Head of School/Department (or equivalent), in consultation with other Heads of School/Department (if appropriate) will ensure that: 5.3.1 Where there is a team of external examiners for a course of study, there is an adequate balance including: (a) examining experience, (b) academic and professional prac- titioners, and (c) members from different institutions of higher education 5.3.2 The nominee has achieved academic and professional qualifications in an “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” 175 R E G U L A T I O N 4