UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

“ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” 173 G R A D I N G S Y S T E M – G R A D U AT E S T U D E N T S The grading system set out below is used for assessing the work of graduate students in taught graduate courses, as well as for the taught components of graduate research degrees (MPhils and PhDs). G R A D I N G P O L I C Y The final result for each module is expressed as a grade and grade point. A graduate module will have been passed if the final result is grade B or above. G R A D U AT E A C A D E M I C A WA R D S To obtain a graduate award, all modules satis- fying the conditions stipulated in the course of study must have been passed and a Cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 earned. Graduate awards are not classified. A C A D E M I C P R O G R E S S A N D G R A N T I N G O F A W A R D S F O R G R A D U A T E S T U D E N T S Grade Grade Point Percentage Scale Result A+ 4.00 95.00 –100 Pass A 4.00 90.00 –94.99 Pass A- 3.67 80.00 –89.99 Pass B+ 3.33 75.00 –79.99 Pass B 3.00 70.00 –74.99 Pass B- 2.67 65.00 –69.99 Fail C+ 2.33 60.00 –64.99 Fail C 2.00 55.00 –59.99 Fail C- 1.67 50.00–54.99 Fail D+ 1.33 45.00–49.99 Fail D 1.00 40.00–44.99 Fail U 0.00 0.00–39.99 Fail N.B. Some graduate modules and Theses and Dissertations are assessed on a Pass/Fail basis.