UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

“ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” 171 Examination to the satisfaction of the appointed examiners. At the University of Tech- nology, Jamaica, MPhil students must satisfac- torily complete 40 credits beyond the Bachelors’ degree (see below for Diet Structure for the MPhil degree). P R O F E S S I O N A L O R T A U G H T D O C T O R AT E S The professional or taught Doctorate degree differs from the PhD degree is that, with the former, there is a substantial taught component that forms an integral part of the assessment which contributes directly toward the final award. Taught doctorates such as the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) require successful comple- tion of between 60–90 credits beyond the Master’s degree. D O C T O R O F P H I L O S O P H Y Also called the ‘PhD’ and is the highest univer- sity degree that is conferred after a course of study that involves substantial original research. Undertaking a PhD degree involves: Critically investigating and evaluating an approved topic/problem, with the investigation resulting in an independent, original, and sig- nificant contribution to knowledge; Demon- strating an understanding of research methods appropriate to the chosen topic/field of study; Presenting and defending a substantial Disser- tation by oral examination to the satisfaction of the appointed examiners; The research disserta- tion, above all, should strive to provide high quality basic or applied research for the real world – research that can improve the quality of people’s lives. At the University of Technology, Jamaica, MPhil students must satisfactorily complete 90 credits beyond the Bachelors’ degree (see below for the Diet Structure for PhD degree. The Diet Structure of the MPhil and PhD degree is as follows: Degree Component MPhil PhD Thesis/Dissertation 22 credits 64 credits Research Methodology 6 credits 6 credits Discipline-specific Modules 9 credits 12 credits Seminar/Peer-reviewed conference or peer- reviewed journal paper* 3 credits 8 credits *Academic Units have flexibility in determining how students will satisfactorily earn these credits. • Post-Graduate Certificate – The minimum duration one (1) year and the maximum is two (2) years. • Post-Graduate Diploma – The minimum duration one (1) year and the maximum is two (2) years. • Taught Master’s Degree – The minimum duration is one (1) year and the maximum is five (5) years. • Master of Philosophy – The minimum dura- tion is 18 months and the maximum is five (5) years. A C A D E M I C P R O G R E S S A N D G R A N T I N G O F A W A R D S F O R G R A D U A T E S T U D E N T S