UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y , J A M A I C A – S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 166 An incomplete (L) grade is given when the coursework requirement is incomplete due to unforeseen circumstances. In this case a DF for deferred result will show on the student portal. In such circumstances students are afforded an opportunity by the lecturer to complete and submit the outstanding work no later than the validation exercise period. If the coursework has not been submitted the incomplete grade will be converted to a “Fail” grade during the validation exercise, unless per- mitted by the Faculty Board of Examiners for an additional period of time not exceeding one semester. In such case, the change is made by completing the Change of Grade form. An “L” will not affect the GPA. An absent (AB) is assigned to students who have either withdrawn from a module without permission, missed the coursework test or the final examination. Where students have failed to submit part of their assessment components without permission, such as term paper or proj- ect, an “NS” is given. Percentages are used to facilitate staff in mark- ing individual assignments and examination but are not used to express the final result. 5 . 3 G R A D I N G P O L I C Y 5 .3.1 The final result for each module is expressed as a grade and grade point. 5.3.2 A student’s overall academic performance at the end of the academic year will be determined by weighting each module grade point earned in accordance with its credit allocation and expressed as a Grade Point Average (GPA). 5.3.3 Except for special requirements, usually of an external nature, the final grade for a mod- ule is determined by weighting the alloca- tion of marks for coursework assignments and final examination. The allocation to coursework may vary from 40 to 100 per cent. 5.3.4 In a module that is examined by course- work and final examination, students may be given both their grade and percentage mark for coursework assignments. For mod- ules examined by coursework only, the stu- dent will be given only the grade for their coursework assessments. 5.3.5 An undergraduate module will have been passed if the final result is grade C- or above. However, some modules will have a higher passing grade to meet professional requirements. 5.3.6 If a student has failed a module, he/she must redo the module and all assessment components, including coursework and final examination. The final grade for the module will be the weighted average of coursework and the new final exam mark. 5 . 4 G R A D E P O I N T A V E R A G E ( G PA ) The GPA is a quantitative measure of a student’s performance. It is the average obtained by R E G U L A T I O N 3