UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

delivery period, taking into account eval- uation measures such as classroom or proc- tored tests and examinations, laboratory work, projects, supervised practical experi- ences, theses and their defence. Academic staff shall advise students of the method of evaluation of each module, no later than the beginning of the module delivery. 5 . 2 G R A D I N G S Y S T E M The University’s official grading system and relevant key codes are specified in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Table 3: Key Codes Status Key Academic Misconduct AM Excused EX Incomplete L Medical M No Submission NS Withdrawal from Module WM Withdrawal from Course of Study with Permission WC Pass P Fail F Deferred DF Absent AB “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” 165 R E G U L A T I O N 3 Performance Description Grade Grade Point Percentage Scale Calculation of Grade Point Excellent A 4.00 90-100 4.00 A- 3.71 80-89 2 + (2/7) × 6 Good B+ 3.42 75-79 2 + (2/7) × 5 B 3.14 70-74 2 + (2/7) × 4 B- 2.86 65-69 2 + (2/7) × 3 Satisfactory C+ 2.57 60-64 2 + (2/7) × 2 C 2.29 55-59 2 + (2/7) × 1 C- 2.00 50-54 2.00 Unsatisfactory D+ 1.71 45-49 2 – (2/7) × 1 D 1.43 40-44 2 – (2/7) × 2 D- 1.14 35-39 2 – (2/7) × 3 E 0.86 30-34 2 – (2/7) x 4 U 0.00 0-29 Absent AB 0.00 Pass P – Fail F –