UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y , J A M A I C A – S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 162 academic year. It is normally 10 weeks in duration, which includes teaching and the examination session. 3 . 2 2 S P E C I A L LY A D M I T T E D S T U D E N T S Specially admitted students fall into one of the following categories: • Persons admitted to the University to "audit" a module(s) but who are not candidates for a degree, diploma, certificate or other aca- demic certification of the University; • Persons wishing to bank credits towards an unspecified degree; • Persons admitted by special arrangements with other tertiary institution. 3 . 2 3 T R A N S F E R A transfer takes place when there is a change from one campus or Course of Study to another. Appli- cation should be submitted to the applicant’s Programme Director six (6) weeks before the beginning of the academic session using the Request for Transfer form. 3 . 2 4 T R A N S F E R C R E D I T A transfer credit is earned for a module success- fully pursued at an approved tertiary institution and deemed equivalent to one in a UTech, Jamaica. undergraduate course of study. Applicant should complete the Application for Transfer Credit form, and enter the details of the modules for which he/she wishes to be evaluated. (See the Transfer Credit and Exemption Policy for further details) 3 . 2 5 T R A N S C R I P T / A C A D E M I C R E C O R D A transcript is a student’s academic record that will be sent, upon request, to an approved third party (educational institutions, banks, companies, etc.) at a cost. A student's copy of his/her aca- demic record (called a Statement of Academic Record) is available for a fee. 3 . 2 6 W I T H D R AWA L F R O M A M O D U L E Withdrawal from a module is intended to assist students who are insufficiently prepared to com- plete and be examined in the module. A student wishing to withdraw from a module shall discuss the matter with his/her Academic Advisor, complete the withdrawal form, and sub- mit the completed form to the Programme Direc- tor (copied to the Head of School/Department) for approval no less than two weeks before the offi- cial suspension of classes for the Semester or the Summer Session. The student will be informed of the decision by the Programme Director (copied to Records Office). Where withdrawal is granted, a “WM”will be placed on the student’s record, but it will not affect the calculation of the GPA. No withdrawal is permissible within the last two weeks before the official suspension of classes, and any non-attendance thereon will be sub- jected to the Examinations Policy. “Drop-out” of class is not withdrawal, and such action may result in a “Fail” grade for the module. The approval of the request for withdrawal cannot be revoked, and there will be no right to appeal. Students are limited to a maximum of two module withdrawals in any semester or summer session. Students are advised to redo the module(s) at the next available offering. There is no refund of module fee when a student withdraws from a module. 3.27 W ITHDRAWAL FROM C OURSE OF S TUDY 3 . 2 7 . 1 W I T H D R AWA L W I T H P E R M I S S I O N R E G U L A T I O N 3