UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

“ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” 161 3 . 1 5 L E V E L Modules are indicated as being at Levels 1–4, based on the difficulty/complexity of the modules and/or where they are sequenced in the course of study. Each student must complete the required number of credits at every Level in order to graduate. The levels are: • Level 1 – Successful completion of up to 26 credits, including Transfer/Exemption credits. • Level 2 – Successful completion of 27 to 58 credits, including Transfer/Exemption credits. • Level 3 – Successful completion of 59 to 91 credits, including Transfer/Exemption credits. • Level 4 – Successful completion of 92 credits and above, including Transfer/Exemption credits. 3 . 1 6 O P T I O N / S P E C I A L I S AT I O N / R O U T E A group of modules related to a major area of spe- cialised study within a course of study, frequently developing from a common base, e.g., the Accounting and Marketing Options of the Bach- elor of Business Administration course of study. The specialisation areas comprise major, major/minor and double-major options. 3 . 1 7 P R O G R E S S R E P O R T A statement detailing a student’s academic per- formance for an academic session, issued by the Registrar upon request. 3 . 1 8 R E - A D M I S S I O N This is admission by the university of a student who is resuming his/her course of study. The following categories of students can apply for re-admission: a. Withdrawn Without Permission b. Expired. Students resuming are required to comply with the university’s re-admissions or re-application procedure (See the Re-Admission Policy). 3 . 1 9 R E D O To redo a module means to register (having paid) for the module, attend classes face-to-face, partici- pate online or through independent study, com- plete all coursework requirements, and sit the end-of-module final examination, if applicable. 3 . 2 0 R E - I N S T AT E M E N T This is the restoration by the Academic Board of a student to his/her former status in the University. Re-instatement applies to students who were on approved Leave of Absence, Withdrawn with Per- mission, and such other categories as may be determined by the Academic Board. For students who have been suspended, re-instatement will be subject to the terms and conditions of their suspension. Students are required to request re-instatement in writing to the Registrar. 3 . 2 1 S E M E S T E R / S U MM E R S E S S I O N A semester is one of the two main academic ses- sions in the academic year. It is normally 16 weeks in duration and includes teaching, study period and the examination session. A summer session runs within the period from the end of Semester 2 to the beginning of the next R E G U L A T I O N 3