UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

3 . 3 A S S O C I AT E D E G R E E An Associate Degree is an award conferred upon successful completion of a Course of Study or training at the post-secondary level, which requires the passing of a minimum of 60 credit hours of instruction and/or other academic requirements. 3 . 4 B A C H E L O R ’ S D E G R E E A Bachelor’s Degree is an award conferred upon successful completion of a Course of Study or training at the post-secondary level, which requires the passing of a minimum of 120 credit hours of instruction and/or other academic requirements. 3 . 5 C E R T I F I C AT E A Certificate is an award conferred upon success- ful completion of a Course of Study or training at the post-secondary level, which requires the pass- ing of a minimum of 30 credit hours of instruction and/or other academic requirements. 3 . 6 C O R E M O D U L E S Core modules are modules that define a particular course of study. Core modules are compulsory. 3 . 7 C R E D I T H O U R S i. One theory credit is given for every 15 con- tact hours of lecture, tutorial or seminar instruction, or the on-line learning equivalent of time-on-task during a semester. ii. One practical credit is given for every 45 hours of laboratory/practical instruction in a laboratory or workshop module. iii. Design Studio Credit: One credit hour is given for every 16–20 hours of Design Studio during a semester within the first two years of the Course of Study (see School’s prospectus). During Years 3 and 4 one Credit hour is given for every 12 hours of Design Studio. In the Design Studio, theory and practice are combined. iv. One Cooperative Education Credit is given for every 80–120 (two to five weeks of work assignments) hours of cooperative education work in an approved work location. Modules with other instructional delivery modes may require other class/student contact hours for credit assignment. These are awarded pass/fail grades. Fees for redoing such modules will be determined on a per credit basis. 3 . 8 C R E D I T M O D U L E A credit module is an approved university module for which credit towards a university degree, diploma or certificate may be earned. Credit is granted when a student achieves a passing grade within the university’s grading scheme for a mod- ule approved as a credit module. Pre-university modules are assigned zero credit and do not con- tribute to the determination of class of award. 3 . 9 D I P L O M A A Diploma is an award conferred upon successful completion of a Course of Study or training at the post-secondary level, which requires the passing of a minimum of 90 credit hours of instruction and/or other academic requirements. 3 . 1 0 E L E C T I V E An elective is a module that the student chooses “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” 159 R E G U L A T I O N 3