UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

“ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” 157 R E G U L A T I O N 3 2 . S T U D E N T S TAT U S (cont’d) Terminology Definitions Withdrawn – WWIP Authorized withdrawal (after written approval has been granted) from a course of study after commencement of classes, for a period of time following a student’s written request to do so (See Section 3.27). Withdrawn – WWOP Withdrawal from a course of study, where no written approval has been granted to a written request, for a period of time without notify- ing the university or having official authorization to do so (See Section 3.27). Discontinued – DI A student, on Academic Probation for two (2) consecutive years of enrolment, and at the end of the third year of enrolment, maintains a GPA below 2.0, will receive a Discontinued Status. Students with “Dis- continued Status”may apply for admission to another course of study. However, he/she will not be allowed to remain in the current course of study, but may reapply after two years. Expired - EP Studentship has ended as a result of failure to meet the requirements for an academic award within the maximum permissible time for completion of a Course of Study. Students with “expired status” at the end of the academic year may re-apply for re-admission. The award conferred after successful comple- tion of the Course of Study is subject to the Transfer and Exemption Policy.