UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

“ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” 147 35. University Association of Medical Technol- ogy Students (Technologist) 36. University of Technology Club Matrix 37. University of Technology Debating and Public SpeakingSociety 38. University of Technology Latin Dance Club 39. University of Technology Association of Nursing and Midwifery Students 40. University of Technology Association of Nutrition and Dietetics Students (UTANDS) 41. University of Technology International Students' Association 42. University of Technology Pharmaceutical Technology Students' Association 43. University of Technology Rural Society 44. University of Technology Taekwon-Do CLub 45. University of Technology Vibe Optimist Club 46. University of Technology Vision 47. University of Technology's Tourism Action Club 48. UTech Photography Club 49. Women's Empowerment Society W O R L D U N I V E R S I T I E S D E B AT I N G C H A M P I O N S H I P The University of Technology, Jamaica, partici- pated in the English Division of the 2019 stag- ing of the Pan-American Universities Debating Championships (PUDC), held between April 17 and 22 at the Universidad Tecnológica de Pan- amá (UTP) in Panama City, Panama. Two teams, comprising two debaters each from the UTech, Jamaica Debating and Public Speaking Society (UDPSS), represented the institution in the Eng- lish Division of the Competition, which fielded debates among 20 teams from universities and colleges across the Americas. UTech Jamaica Team A comprised Charles Frost (Faculty of Science and Sport) and Roshelle Pinnock (Fac- ulty of Engineering and Computer), and Team B comprised Patrice Minto (School of Public Health and Health Administration) and Cleve- land Tomlinson (Faculty of Education and Lib- eral Studies). The delegation was led by co-advisor to the UTech Debating and Public Speaking Society, Dr. Rohan A. Lewis, Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies. The UTech, Ja. teams debated against teams from Middlebury University, the University of the West Indies, Mona, Brooklyn University, Lynn University, Church Teachers’ College, The United States Military Academy, The United States Air Force Academy, Morehouse Univer- sity, among others. The Championships kicked off with an opening ceremony on April 17 at which the Champion- ships were declared open by Administrative vice-rector of the UTP, Mgtr. Mauro Destro Sti- mamiglio. The debates kicked off on the morn- ing of April 18 with the motion, “This house believes that Brazil should fully privatize Petrobras.” S T U D E N T L I F E