UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

“ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” 141 pians Elaine Thompson and past student-ath- letes Sherone Simpson, Sherika Williams, Asafa Powell, Nesta Carter, and Germaine Mason and former student-athlete women’s 100m cham- pion, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce. Our intensive training programmes also pro- vide and facilitate participation in CUSA games, ODUCC games, Penn Relays, and league competitions. U T E C H J A C L A S S I C S E R I E S The Department stages annual international sporting competitions known as the ‘’UTech Classic Series” currently consisting of five sports: track & field, cricket, volleyball, golf, basketball, netball, table tennis and lawn tennis. The sporting facilities are open to all students and members of staff with valid UTech identifi- cation cards. Director of Sport, Orville Byfield, heads the Department. For more information about the Department visit our website at: http://www.utech.edu.jm/Sports/default.htm. T H E S T U D E N T S ’ U N I O N Student Governance is vital for any institution. The University of Technology, Jamaica Students’ Union Council has the responsibility of manag- ing the social, spiritual, and academic well- being of students. This task is undertaken in the Council’s effort “To serve and to represent” the student populace – the “Students’ Union”which consists of all registered students of the Univer- sity of Technology, Jamaica. The Students’ Union Council is the representational body which consists of both elected and appointed members. The Board of Executives consists of the Pres- ident and five other members of Council. The Executive body oversees all other boards namely the Board of Representatives, the Board of Directors, the Advisors as well as the Stu- dents’ Union Western Sub-Council and Gradu- ate Students. " M A K I N G O B S T A C L E S I N T O O P P O R T U N I - T I E S , O N E T E A M O N E G O A L " For each academic year the Council will be guided by the theme “Making Obstacles into opportunities, one team one goal”. This state- ment is just one way of informing the pop- ulation that the Council is ready and committed to executing its duties with excellence. Wha- tever difficulties may arise, the Council and the student body will work together to bring forward success despite the challenges. M ISSION , A IMS & O BJECTIVES (A RTICLE II*) Section 1. The Mission of the Students’Union is: To effectively serve and protect the rights of students promoting their academic, social, cultural, spiritual and physical development, while fostering relations with the wider community. S T U D E N T L I F E