UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

R O O M V I S I T S • Students should not entertain visitors in their rooms without the consent of their roommates. • Visitors must be accompanied to and from the room by a resident. • Room visiting hours are between 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. daily. H ALLS OF R ESIDENCE S WIPE /A CCESS C ARD R EPLACEMENT If a student damages or loses his/her Halls of Res- idence swipe card, he/she will be required to pay a replacement fee of $1000. Swipe/Access cards are the property of the University and should be taken care of. They should not be twisted, bent or punched to accommodate key rings. C A M P U S E V E N T S The Safety and Security Department is vested with the responsibility and is the final authority in granting permission/denial for events to be held on the University’s campus. Application forms are available in the Safety and Security Office or at www.utech.edu.jm/ and MUST be submitted a minimum of 10 clear working days prior to the date of the proposed event. Late requests will not be considered. S TICKERS /P OSTERS IN U NAUTHORIZED A REAS • Stickers promoting seminars, parties, etc. should NOT be posted in any unauthorized areas, such as on buildings and trees. • Stickers/Posters should be posted on notice boards. Where the notice board has a glass covering, the sticker should NOT be posted on the glass. Students are urged to visit the Faculty/Office responsible for the notice board and obtain permission for access to have their Stickers/Posters posted to the notice board. • All posters, stickers, banners etc. that have been illegally posted will be removed with- out any warning from the Safety & Security Department. • The Safety & Security Department reserves the right to cancel any event if the organizers are in breach of the above. • Event Organizers must familiarize themselves with the Noise Abatement as well as the Pub- lic Order Acts to avoid breaches and possible prosecution from the Police. • The misuse and damage of safety equipment on the campus is a serious violation of Ordi- nace 14 of the University rules and persons found in violation will be dealt with accord- ing to the University’s Disciplinary proce- dures. R EMOVAL OF C HAIRS FROM C LASSROOMS The removal of chairs from classrooms to outdoors is expressly prohibited. Students are warned against this practice as this constitutes a breach and therefore will be subjected to the disciplinary procedures as set out in Ordinance 14 of the Uni- versity rules. “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” 139 S E C U R I T Y