UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y , J A M A I C A – S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 138 erty; however it is unlawful to smoke/consume ganja in public places. The University of Technol- ogy, Jamaica being a public place, the University shall be authorized to impose penalties of up to, and including, suspension for willful breach of the law concerning possession of more than two ounces. In its assessment of cases concerning ganja use, the University will also consider whether treatment for drug addiction or drug abuse is to be recommended. In applying the national law relating to ganja, the University will always bear in mind the need to be sensitive to the welfare of the persons within the care of the University, and especially the welfare of students. Indiscriminate use of alcohol and illegal drugs on University property is considered a major offence of Ordinance 1999/14 of the University rules See page 198). (Excerpt from the Office of the President State- ment on the question of Ganja, April 20, 2017) H A L L S O F R E S I D E N C E D I S C I P L I N A R Y P R O C E D U R E S All students should be aware of the rules govern- ing the Halls of Residence. Residents who do not comply with the rules and regulations set out in the Resident Students’ Handbook or the general rules of the University will be subject to: • the University’s Disciplinary Procedures detailed in Ordinance 1999/14-Student Discipline • termination of boarding privileges at any time. D O R M S E C U R I T Y Security officers and proximity access systems secure all dorms. Students must not allow other people to use their access cards. Misuse of the system could result in the remo- val of privileges. Rules and Regulations relating to visitors are posted on each dorm and SHOULD BE OBEYED. H A L L V I S I T AT I O N P R O C E D U R E S • Visiting hours are between 12 noon and 10 p.m. daily. • Visitors are not allowed to overnight on the Halls of Residence. • Visitors are not allowed in the utility areas. • The Resident Manager or the Resident Assis- tant reserves the right to ask any visitor whose behavior is considered inappropriate to vacate the Hall. • Verbal abuse, physical abuse, and threats of physical abuse on the residence halls are strictly prohibited. Violence and harassment are definitely not tolerated. • Tampering with or misusing of fire alarms (including sounding a false fire alarm), fire extinguishers, fire hoses, sprinkler heads, or any fire equipment, or limiting egress from the buildings by tampering with exit signs and doors is also a violation of Ordinance 14 of the University rules. Disciplinary action will be sought against students found in violation through the Office of the University Registrar. • Participation in emergency drills is man- datory. Disciplinary action will be sought against students who refuse to participate through the Office of the University Registrar. • Observation of quiet periods must be adhered to, as outlined in the Resident Students’ Handbook. S E C U R I T Y